ISSN Basque / Spanish: 2697-0546
ISSN Spanish / English: 2697-
Number 02 of AMA magazine. AMA stands for Artium / Museoa / Aldizkaria (Artium / Museum / Magazine).
Authors: Mikel Acosta, Carolina Caycedo, Alejandro Cesarco, Patricia Dauder, Oier Etxeberria, Michael Marder, Naomi Rincón-Gallardo, Danele Sarriugarte Mochales, Julia Spínola, Mònica Planes, Sara Torres Rodríguez de Castro y Tripak
Graphic Design: Joaquín Gáñez
Issue two of AMA magazine is dedicated to affect, a concept that, sometimes unintentionally, has informed much of the museum's programming in recent years.
‘When we were planning this new issue of #AMA, we noticed that there was a common underground thread running through many of the recent exhibitions and projects: attention to alternative forms of belonging, the centrality of affect in everyday life, and the moods, tones, compromises and ambivalences of life under modern-day capitalism.
Editorial Board: Thomas Boutoux, Beatriz Herráez, Miren Jaio, Catalina Lozano, Ismael Manterola, Leah Withman-Salkin.
ISSN: 2697-0546
Number 01 of AMA magazine. AMA stands for Artium / Museoa / Aldizkaria (Artium / Museum / Magazine).
Authors: Katinka Bock, Vicent Romagny, Carme Nogueira, Xabier Salaberria, Maialen Lujanbio, Mikel Onaindia, Rocío Robles, Lur Olaizola, Sonia Fernández Pan, Nader Koochaki, Thomas Boutoux, Beatriz Herráez
Graphic Design: Joaquín Gáñez
This second issue of AMA magazine is dedicated to Plazaratu, a strategic project of Artium Museoa that is part of one of its main lines of work: to extend the spaces for coexistence and exchange that the museum offers within the city and to serve as a meeting place for visitors and the museum.
Editorial Board: Ana Arregi, Thomas Boutoux, Yaiza Hernández, Beatriz Herráez, Lola Hinojosa, Miren Jaio, Catalina Lozano, Ismael Manterola, Elena Roseras y Beñat Sarasola.
ISSN: 2697-0546
Number 00 of AMA magazine. AMA stands for Artium / Museoa / Aldizkaria (Artium / Museum / Magazine).
Authors: Ricardo Iriarte, Miren Jaio, Garazi Ansa, Erlea Maneros Zabala, Leire Vergara, Pablo La Parra-Pérez, Daniel Llaría, Laura Vallés
The Editorial Board of AMA met for the first time at the Museum Of Contemporary Art of the Basque Country, Artium, in September 2019. The aim of the first meeting was to set out the editorial lines, which the museum had hoped would relate in some way to the exhibition project Zeru bat, hamaika bide. Artistic Practices in the Basque Country in the Period 1977-2002, a comprehensive rehung of the collection of the museum.
Editorial Board: Ana Arregi, Thomas Boutoux, Yaiza Hernández, Beatriz Herráez, Lola Hinojosa, Miren Jaio, Ismael Manterola, Elena Roseras.
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