The exhibition Lazos mecánicos (Mechanical Bonds) brings together a number of pieces that in one way or another were part of a performance series of the same name that was held on the opening weekend of the exhibition, including the participation of nine artists. One of the features of performance is that it takes place in a specific space for a specific duration in front of an audience. This project aims to place it in the centre of the exhibition space and show works by each of the artists that in some cases are or were activated during the series, while others are the result of the same performances that took place in Artium Museoa or in other places, although following similar processes.
For a few days, the museum’s galleries became a space in which the nine participating artists and collectives presented their proposals. What we are attempting with the exhibition is to prolong this experience in order to demonstrate the interest that these works have when they are no longer activated, or when the artists are not present and it is up to the spectator to interpret the work. Participating in Mechanical Bonds: Performative Practices in the Museum II are Valeria Maculan (Buenos Aires, 1968), Federico Vladimir (Buenos Aires, 1983) & Pablo Llilienfeld (Madrid, 1981), Ainara LeGardon (Bilbao, 1976), Itsaso Iribarren (Pamplona, 1981) & Germán de la Riva (Cumaná, Venezuela, 1977), Pedro Barateiro (Almada, 1979), Elena Aitzkoa (Apodaka, 1984), Marta Fernández Calvo (Logroño, 1978), Alejandra Pombo Su (Santiago de Compostela, 1979) and Marc Vives (Barcelona, 1978).
Mechanical Bonds: Performative Practices in the Museum II is curated by Iñaki Martínez Antelo.
With the collaboration of Portugal Embasy / Camões, I.P.
Despedida a la exposición Tierra de los amigos de Carolina Caycedo
El próximo 7 de abril finaliza la muestra de la artista colombiana Carolina Caycedo (Londres, 1978). En el marco de su clausura el museo ha preparado una programación especial coicidinedo con los días festivos de la Semana Santa.
Haciendo ríos. Talleres abiertos
Como despedida a la exposición Tierra de los amigos de Carolina Caycedo, vamos a emular su trabajo en esta muestra y haremos retratos de ríos, contando sus historias. Pintaremos el agua, dibujaremos los animales, las plantas, las piedras y todos los seres que los habitan. Entre todas y todos crearemos largos ríos con muchos personajes y muchas historias.
28, 29, 30 y 31 de marzo; 1, 3, 4, 5 y 6 de abril // De 11:30 a 13:30 h y de 17:30 a 19:30 h
Para niñas y niños de 5 a 12 años, acompañados de una persona adulta
Mas información: 945 20 90 20
Cuaderno de exploración
Además, para poder disfrutar de la exposición de una forma diferente, de forma individual o en compañía, el cuaderno de exploración de la exposición te propone 10 enigmas que, de una manera estimulante y divertida, te ayudan a recorrer la exposición y experimentar el trabajo de la artista.
Visitas guiadas
Durante estas dos semanas festivas, se realizarán las visitas guiadas Todo Artium, un recorrido de 50 minutos en el que conocer la arquitectura del museo, su colección y sus exposiciones temporales. Además, los días 3 y 7 abril tendrán lugar las dos últimas visitas guiadas monográficas a la exposición de Caroloina Caycedo.
Todas las visitas cominzan en el Lorategi del museo.
Jueves 28 de marzo, 17:30 h
Todo Artium
Viernes 29 de marzo, 17:30 h
Todo Artium
Sábado 30 de marzo, 12:30 h
Todo Artium
Domingo 31 de marzo, 12:30 h
Todo Artium
Lunes 1 de abril, 12:30 h
Todo Artium
Miércoles 3 de abril, 18:00 h
Carolina Caycedo. Tierra de los amigos
Domingo 7 de abril, 12:30 h
Carolina Caycedo. Tierra de los amigos
Horario especial de Semana Santa: 28, 29, 30, 31 de marzo y 1 de abril: abierto ininterrumpidamente de 11:00 a 20:00 h (martes 2 de abril: cerrado).
Tarifa gratuita: Todas las tardes; Domingos todo el día; Todos los días para menores de 14 años, estudiantes, personas en desempleo y pensionistas.
Tarifa general: 5 €
The Museum of Contemporary Art of the Basque Country, Artium Museoa presents this exhibition and series dedicated to performative practices. Mechanical Bonds stems from the desire to consider the museum space and the relationships built within it in based on the bodies that inhabit it, attempting to create moments of porosity between the interior and exterior of the building through the varied practices of a number of artists and collectives.
The title of the project is a product of chance, as it is the recently discovered title of a painting by María Paz Jiménez (Valladolid, 1909 – San Sebastian 1975) that until now had been listed as “untitled” (1968) in the museum databases associated with its Collection. The painting is an almost monochrome canvas depicting several abstract forms crowded together as in a sci-fi landscape. The decision was made to replace the frame of the painting for the exhibition Bilduma Hau Collection. Elementary Movements (1950-2000) and the inscription "Lazos mecánicos" (Mechanical bonds) appeared on a piece of tape stapled to the wooden stretcher when the old frame was removed.
Curated by the artist Itziar Okariz and Catalina Lozano.
Supported by:
June 10
5 pm / 29 Condiciones para una imposición, Jon Mikel Euba
6.30 pm / Viaje de formol, Naomi Rincón Gallardo
June 24
6.30 pm / Pulfiki pulkiki, Amaia Urra
7.30 pm / "…abesten saiatu nintzen…" "…baina ez zizuten entzuten…", Garazi Navas
July 1
5 pm / Performance, Sus Zwick & Muda Mathis
6.30 pm / Tripak pasiaran II, Tripak
7.30 pm / Concert, Les Reines Prochaines
July 7
11 am to 2 pm / Improvisationb workshop by Jeremiah Day (15 people)
July 8
5 pm / Nueva performance en el elizate, Jeremiah Day
6.30 pm / Hor dago, Erick Beltrán
July 13
4 pm / A Daily Practice with Works from The Collection. Feldenkrais session by Yael Davids (12 people)
July 14
7 pm / A Daily Practice with Works from The Collection. Feldenkrais session by Yael Davids (12 people)
Everything Near Me is a film installation comprising two chapters. The first explores a variety of affective landscapes that are also related to specific socio-political contexts, those of the Basque Country and California. The second, filmed over two years in the Basque Country, combines everyday scenes with lush landscapes, fleeting moments that shape and sustain life.
Laida Lertxundi is an artist and filmmaker, combining conceptual rigor with sensual pleasure in a process she calls Landscape Plus, her films establish parallels between landscape and the body as centers of pleasure and experience. Her work has been shown at High Line Art, New York (2023), Whitney Biennial, New York, (2012), Hammer Museum (2016), LIAF Biennial (2013), Biennale de Lyon (2013), Frieze Projects New York (2014), MoMA, New York (2022, 2017), y Tate Modern, London (2016) among others. Pedagogy is central to her practice, and she currently teaches at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Lyon.
Ren Ebel is an artist and writer from California. He works in a range of media including video, sound, text and drawing. He received his BFA in film and video art from the University of California, San Diego, and his MFA in studio practice from ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, California. His art has been shown at Gattopardo Gallery in Los Angeles, the Now Instant Image Hall in Los Angeles, the Spectacle Theater in New York and Azkuna Zentroa in Bilbao, Spain. His writing has appeared in a variety of international publications including Artforum, Mousse, X-TRA and Frieze.
This exhibition is organised with the collaboration of MONDRAGON.
The Z Gallery is a space that explores new ways of associating film with art. It is neither a film season in a cinema nor a typical exhibition. It is a project that constructs a third space in the museum from which to visualise and analyse works by artists approaching the cinematographic field and filmmakers exploring the exhibition format. It is a programme that was created to think about the moving image in the museum, introducing authors seeking new narrative forms by questioning the conventions, genres and categorisations that have historically defined cinematographic language.
The exhibition comprises works that span four decades of his production to trace his rigorous research process from expressionism to geometric abstraction
Many of the works, some never seen before, come from the painter’s studio, a collection of documents and works recovered and conserved by his family
The exhibition portrays Rafael Lafuente’s creative personality in a broad and complex light
This exhibition, dedicated to the work of Alejandro Cesarco (Montevideo, Uruguay, 1975), brings together pieces in a variety of media –photographs, videos and text-based works– that proposes reflecting on the construction and experience of learning, as well as on the processes associated with memory, perception and language.
Among them is Index (An Educator), a piece that belongs to a series of works that began with the same title in 2000, which shows Cesarco’s interest in elaborating indexes of imaginary books. To paraphrase the artist, these indexes are conceived as “forms of writing that in turn make up archives of readings”, and they are the product of his interest in classifications, registers and taxonomies, as well as in the processes of constructing and preserving memory. In Otros ejemplos recientes, the artist focuses on questions such as the uses and functions of pedagogy and literacy, in addition to relationships between mother tongue, bilingualism and the complicated ecosystem that generates this situation of “in-betweenness”.
As an adjoining space alongside the exhibition, Alejandro Cesarco is constructing an area to consult writings and authors linked to his practice as a publisher. Among other publications of his, it includes a selection of books published within the framework of Art Resources Transfer (A.R.T.), an independent non-profit organisation committed to documenting and disseminating the work of artists to an often disregarded audience in the circuit of cultural consumption.
Exhibition co-produced by Artium Museoa, Museum of Contemporary Art of the Basque Country and Maumaus/Lumiar Cité (Lisbon).
A convent in Lizaso (Navarra) was home to the eccentric Arco Iris (Rainbow) community in the 1980s. The drab walls of the building were adorned with huge floral motifs and its rooms hosted large gatherings where people experimented with cathartic practices that had a new age tinge. The building today is inhabited by cloistered monks and the traces of that period are almost imperceptible.
The authors of San Simón 62 approach the place attracted by the testimonies of their mothers, who spent time in the Arco Iris community in an attempt to shake off the after-effects of Franco’s regime and confront the personal and political challenges of this new era.
Irati Gorostidi and Mirari Echávarri were neighbors for the first few years of their lives. The change of city separated them until some time later they met again in Bilbao to study Fine Arts. They've been working together ever since.
Mirari Echávarri's latest works have been exhibited at Tabakalera, Artium Museoa, the Navarre Museum and international film festivals, among others.
Irati Gorostidi is developing her first feature film, selected for the 2022 Ikusmira Berriak program. Her previous films have been shown at international festivals and museums.
This exhibition is organised with the collaboration of MONDRAGON.
The Z Gallery is a space that explores new ways of associating film with art. It is neither a film season in a cinema nor a typical exhibition. It is a project that constructs a third space in the museum from which to visualise and analyse works by artists approaching the cinematographic field and filmmakers exploring the exhibition format. It is a programme that was created to think about the moving image in the museum, introducing authors seeking new narrative forms by questioning the conventions, genres and categorisations that have historically defined cinematographic language.
La muestra propone un acercamiento a la figura del cineasta vasco y explora el universo que creó a partir de su incesante experimentación en torno a la imagen
La exposición reúne los principales títulos de su filmografía y pone el foco en la parte menos conocida de esta, junto con muestras de su trabajo como artista gráfico, fotografías y dibujos, entre otros objetos
Una serie de entrevistas realizadas para este proyecto con figuras fundamentales para acercarse a su producción, entre ellos Pedro Almodóvar, Alaska, Jaime Chávarri, Cecilia Roth, Virgina Montenegro o Jaime Stinus, completan este retrato de Zulueta
© 2025 Artium Museoa.