The Research and Documentation Centre for Basque Women Artists: Feminist Artistic Practices and Art Theories is a specialised research space of its own that brings together documentation related to artistic practices analysed by feminist studies. The Centre provides support for research into the various contexts that have revolved around feminism.
These are the main objetives of this documentation centre: to identify, collect, organise, conserve and disseminate bibliographic and documentary sources that contribute to research on these areas of knowledge; and to bring together and conserve documentation and archives of Basque women artists and women artists and thinkers in general linked to the Museum’s programming, its collection and exhibitions.
Presentation document (pdf)
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 11am – 2pm and 4pm – 7.30pm
2022 Virgen Blanca Vitoria-Gasteiz city festival: August 4 closed; 8 and 9, closed in the afternoon
Christmas: January 5 closed in the afternoon
Access to the collections of the Research and Documentation Centre is free of charge, but it is necessary to request a prior appointment by calling 945209008 or sending an email to
Consult the bibliographical and documental fund
Objectives of the Documentation Centre
- To bring together, preserve and disseminate documentation and archives of Basque women artists.
- To bring together and preserve documentation and archives of women artists and thinkers linked to the museum’s collection and its programmes.
- To identify, collect, organise, preserve and disseminate bibliographic and documentary sources that contribute to research on artistic practice and feminist thought.
- To position the institution as a point of reference in the field of research on artistic practices and feminist theory.
Lines of action
- Preserve and catalogue documentary archives of Basque women artists, as well as women artists present in the museum’s collection.
- Create a thesaurus on art and feminism.
- Develop lines of acquisition of women artists linked to the Documentation Centre and the museum’s collection.
- Design and produce programmes, seminars, courses, publications, etc.
- Consolidate collaboration networks with women artists, women curators, associations, institutions and other research and documentation centres, as well as international projects,
This timeline has been produced in order to provide support for research into the various cultural, social and political contexts that have revolved around feminism, thereby safeguarding and disseminating the heritage legacy of feminist artistic practices and art theories, with special emphasis on the context of the Basque Country.
The tool offers us, on the one hand, access to information on the artistic heritage of Basque women artists who are part of the Artium Collection and, on the other hand, it allows us to consult the documentary heritage of each of these artists. In the former, the information is linked to EMSIME, the Collection’s catalogue, while in the latter, the documentary heritage can be consulted at Artiker, the catalogue of the bibliographic and documentary collection.
The timeline aims to connect the works of Basque women artists in the Artium Museum Collection and the documentary collection on these artists, framing and chronologically ordering this entire heritage legacy. This project, which is still under construction, aims to provide the Collection and the Museum’s women artists with a historical and interdisciplinary context that contextualises them and offers a gateway to knowledge about this area of specialisation.
See time line
Archive of Juncal Ballestín
On the occasion of the exhibition Juncal Ballestín. La vida como ejercicio (Juncal Ballestín: Life as Exercise), part of the documentary material used for the exhibition has been digitised and catalogued. This digital archive is available for public consultation at the Documentation Centre.
Access to the titles of the archive of Juncal Ballestín
Recommended feminist books
One of the first programmes set up by the Documentation Centre for Basque Women Artists is the line of recommended books, a series of publications suggested by various women artists, writers and professionals linked to feminist artistic practices and thought. This idea enables the use of specialists in the field to help set up Artium Museum’s bibliographic and documentary collection, thereby enriching it with different viewpoints and criteria and also undertaking actions to activate this documentation.
These publications have been acquired and catalogued and are now available for consultation at the Documentation Centre for Basque Women Artists.
La creación del patriarcado / Gerda Lerner. Iruñea: Katakrak, 2022.
Visión y diferencia: Feminismo, feminidad e historias del arte / Griselda Pollock. Ciudad de Buenos Aires: Fiordo, 2023.
Larruazalaren periferiaz haraindi / Silvia Federici. Iruñea: Katakrak, 2021.
Ecofeminismo para otro mundo posible / Alicia H. Puleo. Madrid: Cátedra, 2022.
Arte-ekoizpen feministak euskal testuinguru kulturalean: Arte-instituzio garaikideetako praktika: Arteleku Zentroa eta Montehermoso Kulturunea / Maider Zilbeti. Bilbo: Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, 2016.
Iremos al sol / Sonia Delaunay. Castelló de la Plana: Universitat Jaume I, 2021.
Gure genealogia feministak: Euskal Herriko mugimendu feministaren kronika bat / Edurne Epelde Pagola, Miren Aranguren Etxarte, Iratxe Retolaza Gutiérrez. Andoain: Emagin Dokumentazio eta Ikerkuntza Zentro Feminista, 2018.
Cómo acabar con la escritura de las mujeres / Joanna Russ. Madrid: Dos Bigotes, 2022.
Kontrako eztarritik: Emakume bertsolarien testigantzak / Uxue Alberdi. Zarautz: Susa, 2022.
Modos de ver / Berger, John. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 2001.
Praxis de la diferencia. Liberación y libertad / Collin, Françoise. Barcelona: Icaria, 2006.
Por un feminismo materialista. El enemigo principal y otros textos / Delphy, Christine. Barcelona: Lasal, Edicions de les dones, 1985.
Guerrilla Girls. The Art of behaving badly / Guerrilla Girls. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2020.
Antropología del campo artístico. Del arte primitivo al contemporáneo / Méndez, Lourdes. Madrid: Síntesis, 2009.
Women: The Longest Revolution / Mitchell, Juliet. London: Virago, 1984.
Women Art and Power and Other Essays / Nochlin, Linda. Boulder: Westview, 1988..
Framing Feminism. Art and the women’s movement 1970-1985 / Parker, Rozsika; Pollock, Griselda. London, New York: Pandora, 1987.
Feminism Art Theory. An anthology / Robinson, Hilary (ed). Malden: Blackwell, 2001.
Una habitación propia / Woolf, Virginia. Madrid: Alianza, 2014.
The Art of Feminism. Images that Shaped the Fight for Equality, 1857–2017 / Reckitt, Helena. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2022.
Chicanes / Clara Schulmann. London: Les Fugitives, 2023
Amo a Dick / Chris Kraus; transl. by Marcelo Cohen; prologue by Gabriela Wiener and Eileen Myles; epilogue by Joan Hawkins. Barcelona: Alpha Decay, 2022.
Un pequeño lugar / Jamaica Kincaid. Tafalla: Txalaparta, 2003.
Indelicadeza / Amina Cain; translated by Inés Clavero. Madrid: Plot, D.L. 2021.
The baby on the fire escape: creativity, motherhood, and the mind-baby problem / Julie Phillips. New York; London: W.W. Norton & Company, cop. 2022.
Yo sé por qué canta el pájaro enjaulado / Maya Angelou; translated by Carlos Manzano. Barcelona: Libros del Asteroide, 2022.
Caliente / Luna Miguel. Barcelona: Lumen, 2021.
Black looks: race and representation / Bell Hooks. New York, Oxon: Routledge, 2015.
El coste de vivir / Deborah Levy; translated by Cruz Rodríguez Juiz. Barcelona: Penguin Random House, 2022.
Real Estate / Deborah Levy. London: Penguin Random House, 2021.
Your silence will not protect you / Audre Lorde. London: Silver Press, 2017
Un feminismo descolonial / Françoise Vergès. Madrid: Traficantes de Sueños, 2022.
Of Cities & Women: (Letters to Fawwaz) / Etel Adnan. New York: The Post-Apollo Press, imp. 2022
Feminismo desde Abya Yala: ideas y proposiciones de las mujeres de 607 pueblos en nuestra América / Francesca Gargallo Celentani. Santiago de Chile: Quimantú, 2013.
La matriz de la raza: genealogía sexual y colonial / Elsa Dorlin; prologue: Joan W. Scott. [Tafalla]: Txalaparta, 2020.
Why are they so afraid of the lotus? / [editors Kim Nguyen and Jeanne Gerrity]. London: CCA Wattis Institute, cop. 2021.
Fenomenología Queer: Orientaciones, objetos, otros / Sara Ahmed; Traslated by Javier Sáez del Álamo.
La pasión según G. H. / Clarice Lispector ; translation from Portuguese by Alberto Villaba. Madrid: Siruela, 2020.
Sexuality & Space / Beatriz Colomina, editor. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, cop. 1992. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, cop. 1992.
Poesía completa: (1955-1972) / Alejandra Pizarnik; Edition by Ana Becciú. [Barcelona]: Lumen, 2021.
Wounds of passion: a writing life / Bell Hooks. London: The Women's Press, 1998.
Making Kin Not Population / Edited by Adele E. Clarke and Donna Haraway. Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press, cop. 2018.
Your silence will not protect you / Audre Lorde. London: Silver Press, 2017
Woman, Native, Other: Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism / Trinh T. Minh-Ha. Bloomington, Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, cop. 1989
Of Cities & Women: (Letters to Fawwaz) / Etel Adnan. New York: The Post-Apollo Press, imp. 2022
Dictee / Theresa Hak Kyung Cha. Oakland: University of California Press, cop. 2022
Women as lovers / Elfriede Jelinek; Translated by Martin Chalmers. London: Serpent's Tail, cop. 1975
Making Kin Not Population / Edited by Adele E. Clarke and Donna Haraway
Yo, tu?: Nosotras: Mujeres en busca de una nueva identidad / Mercè Collet, Rosa M. Ferrer and Fina Pla, prologue by Mardi Robinson
The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination / Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar, with an introduction by Lisa Appignanesi
The Practice of Love: Lesbian Sexuality and Perverse Desire / Teresa de Lauretis
Assia Wevill: Una amante de la sinrazón: Assia Wevill, rival de Sylvia Plath y amor condenado de Ted Hughes / Yehuda Koren and Eilat Negev
La pasión según G. H. / Clarice Lispector, translated from Portuguese by Alberto Villaba
El diario de Virginia Woolf: 3 vol. (1915-1930) / [English edition by Anne Olivier Bell], this edition translated by Olivia de Miguel
Memorias de una joven formal / Simone De Beauvoir, [translated by Silvina Bullrich]
Sylvia Plath: Diarios completos / Karen V. Kukil, ed., Spanish edition directed by Juan Antonio Montiel and translated by Elisenda Julibert
Wendy Brown. Estados de agravio. Poder y libertad en la modernidad tardía. Lengua de trapo, Madrid, 2019.
Judith Butler. Deshacer el género. Paidós. Barcelona, 2006.
Whitney Chadwick. Mujer, arte y sociedad. Destino. Barcelona, 1992.
Jason Edwards. Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick. Routledge Critical Thinkers, New York. 2009.
Marina Grzinic, Rosa Reitsamer (eds.). New Feminism. Worlds of Feminism, Queer and Networking Conditions. Löcker Verlag. Vienna, 2008.
Simon Reynolds. Postpunk. Romper todo y empezar de nuevo. Caja Negra. Buenos Aires, 2014.
Geraldine M. Scanlon. La polémica feminista en la España contemporánea (1868-1974). Akal, Madrid, 1976.
Hito Steyerl. Arte Duty Free. El arte en la guerra civil planetaria. Caja Negra. Buenos Aires, 2018.
Paloma Uría Ríos. El feminismo que no llegó al poder. Trayectoria de un feminismo crítico. Talasa, Madrid, 2009.
Elke Zobl, Ricarda Drüeke (eds.). Feminist Media. Participatory Spaces, Networks and Cultural Citizenship. Transcript Verlag. Bielefeld, 2012.
Alan Bowness. The Conditions of Success. How the Modern Artist rises to Fame. Thames & Hudson, London, 1989.
Whitney Chadwick. Mujer, Arte y Sociedad. Destino, Barcelona, 1999.
Katy Deepwell (ed.). Nueva crítica feminista de arte: estrategias críticas. Cátedra/Feminismos, Madrid, 1998.
Bram Dijkstra. Ídolos de Perversidad. La imagen de la mujer en la cultura de fin de siglo. Debate, Madrid, 1994.
Gisela Ecker (ed.). Estética Feminista. Icaria, Barcelona, 1986.
Geneviève Fraisse. Musa de la razón. La democracia excluyente y la diferencia de los sexos. Cátedra/Feminismos, Madrid, 1991.
Catherine Gonnard, Élisabeth Lebovici. Femmes artistes/artistes femmes. Paris, de 1880 à nos jours. Hazan, Paris, 2007.
Ernst Kris, Otto Kurz. La Leyenda del Artista. Cátedra, Madrid, 1982.
Lynda Nead. El desnudo femenino. Arte, obscenidad y sexualidad. Tecnos. Madrid, 1998.
Linda Nochlin. The Body in Pieces. The Fragment as a Metaphor of Modernity. Thames & Hudson, London, 2001.
Roszika Parker, Griselda Pollock. Maestras antiguas. Mujeres, arte e ideología. Akal: Madrid, 2021.
Sally Price. Arte Primitivo en Tierra Civilizada. Siglo XXI, Madrid, 1993.
Edward W. Said. Orientalismo. DEBOLSILLO, Madrid, 2020.
Lea Vergine. L´Autre moitié de l´Avant-Garde, 1910-1940. Des Femmes, Paris, 1982.