The 2025 call will be open from 23 December 2024 (12 am) to 14 February 2025 (12.00 am).
Addressed to artists or agents of the sector interested in deepening the methodologies of art.
Further information on the lnstitute for Artistic Practices
The JAI Study Committee is composed by Ibon Aranberri (artist), Itziar Okariz (artist), Alejandro Cesarco (artist), Olatz Otalora (artist), Oier Etxeberria (Head of Public Programmes at Tabakalera) and Catalina Lozano (Chief Curator. Artium Museoa).
Tutors: Ibon Aranberri, Itziar Okariz, Alejandro Cesarco, Olatz Otalora.
The teaching staff confirmed for 2025, made up of artists participating in the Tabakalera and Artium Museoa programmes, are Claire Atherton, Marwa Arsanios, Josu Bilbao, Fermín Jiménez, Landa, Maider López y Eric La Casa.
Participation and submission period: a maximum of 16 artists will be selected. The open call will be open from 23 December 2024, 12:00 am until 14 February 2025, 12:00 am. Candidates will be informed on 14 March whether they have been selected or not.
Participation: those selected will pay €400 as participation fee.
Documentation to be sent: CV/Biography, letter of motivation and a dossier of previous works, all in a unique document. This file may not have more than 10 MB.
The 2024 call will be open from 27 February to 19 April (12.00 am).
Addressed to artists or agents of the sector interested in deepening the methodologies of art.
Further information on the lnstitute for Artistic Practices
The JAI Study Committee is composed by Ibon Aranberri (artist), Itziar Okariz (artist), Alejandro Cesarco (artist), Olatz Otalora (artist), Catalina Lozano (Chief Curator. Artium Museoa), Clara Montero (Cultural Director. Tabakalera) and Beatriz Herráez (Director. Artium Museoa).
Tutors: Ibon Aranberri, Itziar Okariz, Alejandro Cesarco, Olatz Otalora.
The teaching staff confirmed for 2024, made up of artists participating in the Tabakalera and Artium Museoa programmes, are Patricia Dauder, Jeremiah Day, Iman Issa, Hilary Lloyd and Iñaki Garmendia.
Participation and submission period: a maximum of 16 artists will be selected. The open call will be open from February 27th, 12:00 am until April 19th, 12:00 am. Candidates will be informed on April 4th whether they have been selected or not. The selection will be made by the JAI committee.
Participation: those selected will pay €400 as participation fee.
Documentation to be sent: CV/Biography, letter of motivation and a dossier of previous works, all in a unique document. This file may not have more than 10 MB.
The 2023 call will be open from 10 February to 24 March (12.00 am).
Addressed to artists or agents of the sector interested in deepening the methodologies of art.
Further information on the lnstitute for Artistic Practices
Teaching staff for 2023: Zach Blas, Erick Beltrán, Anna Daučíková, Xabier Erkizia, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Julia Spínola, Miranda Pennell ans Azucena Vieites.
Tutors: Ibon Aranberri, Asier Mendizabal, Itziar Okariz.
Participation and submission period: a maximum of 16 artists will be selected. The open call will be open from February 10th, 12:00 am until March 24th, 12:00 am. Candidates will be informed on April 4th whether they have been selected or not. The selection will be made by the JAI committee.
Participation: those selected will pay €450 as participation fee.
Documentation to be sent: CV/Biography, letter of motivation and a dossier of previous works, all in a unique document. This file may not have more than 10 MB.
A total number of 16 participants will develop their artistic projects with the advice of international professional tutors during the three months of summer.
The Jorge Oteiza Museum Foundation has joined this initiative for its third edition.
JAI is addressed to artists or agents of the sector interested in deepening the methodologies of art.
Una colección de trabajos de fin de titulación realizados en el País Vasco en torno al arte contemporáneo. Segundas jornadas
Convocatoria 2021
El museo Artium, el grupo de investigación Gizaartea de la UPV-EHU (GIU18/153) y el Dpto. de Historia del Arte y Música de esta misma universidad organizan estas jornadas para dar a conocer Trabajos de Fin de Grado (TFG), Trabajos de Fin de Estudios (TFE) o Trabajos de Fin de Máster (TFM) que en relación con el arte contemporáneo se hayan llevado a cabo durante los últimos años en las diversas universidades e instituciones de educación superior de la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca, Navarra y Aquitania (Francia).
Son unas jornadas en las que tienen cabida trabajos de muy diversas especialidades (cualquier disciplina artística, Historia del Arte, Filosofía y Estética, Musicología, Antropología, Sociología, Educación Artística, Comunicación Audiovisual, etc.) que tengan en común su relación con propuestas y lenguajes artísticos contemporáneos.
Además de divulgar estas aportaciones gestadas en las aulas, las jornadas pretenden crear un foro de encuentro entre graduadas y graduados de diversas disciplinas y áreas de conocimiento en torno a la creación artística contemporánea.
- Último día para la presentación de propuestas: 25 de mayo de 2021.
- Comunicación de aceptación: antes del 30 junio de 2021.
- Celebración de las jornadas: 20 y 21 de octubre de 2021.
El proyecto seleccionado por Artium Museoa es “Ahotsari eman / Pulsar la voz” de Natalia Isla y Aitor Bengoetxea, el de Azkuna Zentroa-Alhóndiga Bilbao “Talud mediodía” de Javier Arbizu y el proyecto seleccionado por Tabakalera "El desempleo tecnológico" de Adonay Bermúdez
Becas para desarrollar la práctica del comisariado e impulsar la generación y consolidación de nuevos profesionales
© 2025 Artium Museoa.